$50,000 is Donated to the Florida Disaster Fund’s Recovery Efforts After Hurricane Ian

On Sept. 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian struck southwestern Florida. This dangerous, high-end Category 4 storm had 150 mph winds, heavy rainfall, and catastrophic storm surges of an unprecedented 12 to 18 feet along the Florida coast.  


More than 4 million people in Florida lost power, and over 100 people died due to the storm’s effects. Recovery costs in Florida and the Carolinas together are estimated to total around $47 billion in insured losses. 


When the storm happened, the Rex Maughan Forever Giving Foundation wanted to take action. The week after Hurricane Ian, the foundation made a rapid $50,000 USD donation to the Florida Disaster Fund to help with immediate and long-term relief. As the State of Florida’s official private fund overseen by Volunteer Florida, the Florida Disaster Fund provides financial assistance to communities responding to and recovering from times of emergency or disaster. 


To date, the Florida Disaster Fund has raised over $45 million to help with recovery in communities impacted by Hurricane Ian. Notably, nearly all of the donations went directly toward recovery because the Florida Disaster Fund capped its administrative costs to $30,000 USD for all donations received, with the rest benefiting recovery efforts. 


“We are devastated by the losses people in Florida have experienced as a result of Hurricane Ian,” says Aidan O’Hare, Forever Living’s Executive Vice President of Sales. “Part of the Rex Maughan Forever Giving Foundation’s mission is to support communities recovering from natural disasters such as this, and I’m grateful that we were able to help make an impact during this time of need.” 

Sierra Maughan